During an extreme wind event, storm-driven debris can dent, deform or even penetrate residential and commercial doors. These products play a crucial role in protecting your home or business, especially if you live in a hurricane-prone or high-wind region. It's important to have a hurricane-rated garage door that can withstand flying debris driven by high-velocity hurricane winds to help minimize potential storm damage to your home. A wind-rated door can withstand flying debris driven by high-velocity hurricane winds to help minimize potential storm damage to your home. High wind events can cause un-reinforced garage doors to buckle, forcing the door out of the track causing catastrophic door failure which may cause an uncontrolled buildup of internal pressure that could result in damage to the roof and even the supporting wall panels. To be prepared for wind speeds that exceed 111 mph (Category 3 hurricane and above), you would need a wind load-rated or impact-resistant door to avoid catastrophic damage. It's important to check your local codes to find out the wind rating required in your area.
Wind Load 101 FAQ | Commercial Wind Load FAQ | Wind Load Resources | Fabric Shield Storm Protection

Introducing New Aluminum Full-View Doors for High Wind Regions
For residential use, the NEW Model 8855 delivers top-notch wind load performance, providing homeowners with both modern design and peace of mind. On the commercial side, the durable, full-view Model 453 combines sleek aesthetics with weather-resistant aluminum construction, perfect for settings where visibility and style are key, such as auto dealerships, car washes, and restaurant patios.

What Does Wind Load Rated Mean?
A wind load-rated garage door or commercial door from Wayne Dalton is a complete wind-resistive system for use in high-wind and hurricane-prone areas. A wind load-rated garage door is one where specifically designed reinforced hardware has been added to the door for increased strength and stability. This door system is then rigorously tested and approved in accordance with National, State, and local building-code standards.
Why Do I Need Wind Load Reinforcements?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) identified the loss of garage doors as one of the major factors contributing to hurricane storm damage in homes and about 80% of residential hurricane wind damage starts with wind entry through the garage door according to Federal Alliance for Safe Homes. The structural integrity of a building can be compromised if the wind forces cause the residential or commercial door to buckle during a hurricane or severe storm. With the appropriate configuration of heavy-duty reinforcements, Wayne Dalton’s wind load-rated doors can stand up to high wind pressures produced during extreme weather events, protecting your building and assets.
What Makes a Wind Load Rated Door?
Wayne Dalton WindSafe® doors feature upgraded hardware to make them capable of withstanding strong windstorms. Depending on the wind load option selected, the upgraded hardware includes:
Residential Door Component
- Horizontal Reinforcement: HS 0-3, C-Channels, Tube Struts
- Vertical Reinforcement: Posts
- Stronger Track: Heavier gauge and more jamb brackets
- Heavier Gauge Hardware: Double-end stiles, stronger rollers
As a guideline, doors up to 10’ wide are strutted and doors over 10’
wide are either strutted or posted depending on the PS
Commercial Door Components – Including residential*
- Increased wind lock frequency to disperse slat tension;
- Heavy-gauge slats to resist curtain bending
- Complete anchoring systems with 4x safety factor included
- Available options for double-walled insulated slats
- Tested to 150% Design Pressure to validate performance for most extreme weather conditions
- Impact tested to Level D – maximum facility protection for all wind zones.;
Wayne Dalton doors labeled with the Impact™ logo have been approved for impact resistance to resist windborne debris caused by high winds during extreme weather. These tests include being able to stop the direct impact of a 9 lb. 2x4 board at 50 feet per second.
Impact Resistant Windows – An Added Feature
Windows made of clear, impact-resistant glass are compatible with a variety of decorative trim styles to complement all home designs and building aesthetics. Wayne Dalton impact resistant windows meet the Florida Building Code to withstand 350 foot-pounds of impact energy to make a door suitable for windborne debris regions (OR coastal regions prone to high winds.)
Protection Against Wind and Weather
Wayne Dalton created an exclusive line of innovative wind load-rated residential and commercial doors, fashioned to withstand nature’s power. These wind load options provide superior craftsmanship, durability, performance and additional protection against:
- Hurricanes
- High-Wind Damages
- Internal and External Pressure Changes
- Wind-Borne Debris
Wind Load Code Compliance
As a building component, residential and commercial doors may be required by local building codes to withstand certain positive and negative design pressures. The building department having authority in your area is the final determiner of the wind load requirements for your wind load-rated door. Homeowners and business owners should contact their local building professional, engineer or architect to understand their local code requirements and to identify the specific needs of their structure. In addition, local building codes may require a permit for the installation of the replacement of residential or commercial doors. A homeowners insurance policy may also have certain requirements.

Design Pressures by Model
Select Wayne Dalton door systems to meet or exceed the following building codes or approval agency standards: International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC), Florida Building Code (FBC), Texas Department of Insurance (TDI), Miami-Dade County approved. Our Impact doors have been approved for impact resistance and have been tested to stop the direct impact of a 9 lb. 2x4 board at 50 feet per second.
Material/Door Type | Collection | Models | FBC | TDI | Miami Dade | Impact Rated | Design Pressure Range | Wind Speeds |
Steel | Carriage House Steel | 9405 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+15/-18 to +41/-46 | 130 to 200 |
Steel | Carriage House Style | 8600 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | '+12/-14 to +64/-72 | 120 to 200 |
Steel | Classic Style | 8300 | 8500 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | '+12/-14 to +64/-72 | 120 to 200 |
Steel | Classic Steel | 9100 | 9605 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+26/30 to +43/-49 | 180 to 200 |
Steel | Classic Steel | 8000 | 8200 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+12/13 to +46/-52 | 120 to 200 |
Steel | Classic Steel | 8024 | 8224 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | '+46/-52 | 200 |
Vinyl | Specialty Vinyl | 8700 | Yes | No | No | No | '+22/-26 to +41/-46 | 160 to 200 |
Aluminum | Contemporary Aluminum | 8855 | Yes | No | No | Yes | '+18/-18 to +48/-54 | 120 to 200 |
Residential Door Wind Speeds are Based on ASCE 7-16, Exposure B, and provided for general estimate purposes only - per DASMA Technical Data Sheet #155v
Guide is provided for reference purposes only. In all cases the local building authority is the sole and final determiner of the structural and safety requirements, and suitability of the garage door
All doors tested for uniform static air pressure per ANSI/DASMA 108 or TAS 202 to test pressure of 1.5 x design pressure
Impact testing in accordance with impact and cyclic wind pressure per ANSI/DASMA 115 or TAS 201/203
FBC - Florida Building Code, TDI - Texas Department of Insurance, Miami Dade - Miami-Dade County Regulatory Economic Resources
Material/Door Type | Collection | Models | FBC | TDI | Miami Dade | Impact Rated | HVHZ Rated | Formal Approvals | Design Pressure Range | Wind Speeds |
Aluminum Doors | 451 | No | No | No | No | No | No | '+20/-20 to +31/-31 | 120 to 155 | |
Aluminum Doors | 452 | No | No | No | No | No | No | '+20/-20 to +31/-31 | 120 to 155 | |
Aluminum Doors | 453 | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | '+18/-18 to +48/-54 | 120 to 200 | |
Fire Doors | 700 | 700C | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | '+/-31 to +/-55 | N/A** | |
Insulated Steel | Thermospan® Series | 200-20 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | '+11/-12 to +28/-32 | 100 to 150 |
Insulated Steel | Thermospan® Series | 200 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | '+11/-12 to +28/-32 | 100 to 150 |
Insulated Steel | Thermospan® Series | 150 | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | '+11/-12 to +28/-32 | 100 to 150 |
Insulated Steel | Thermospan® Series | 5150 | 5200 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+12/-14 to +64/-72 | 105 to 200 |
Insulated Steel | Thermospan® Series | 530 | No | No | No | No | No | No | '+12.8/-12.8 to +38.9/-38.9 | 110 to 195 |
Non-Insulated Steel | C-Series | C-20 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+11/-13 to +50/-56 | 100 to 200 |
Non-Insulated Steel | C-Series | C-24 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | '+11/-13 to +50/-56 | 100 to 200 |
Non-Insulated Steel | C-Series | C-2400 | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | '+11/-13 to +50/-56 | 100 to 200 |
Roll Up Sheet Doors | D-Series | DS75 | DS100 | DS350 | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | Yes | '+/-28 to +/-44 | N/A** |
Roll Up Sheet Doors | 770ss | 790cw | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | '+/-20 to +/-41 | N/A** | |
Service Doors | 800 | 800C | Yes | No | Yes | Yes - D* | Yes | Yes | '+/-31 to +/-55 | N/A** | |
Rolling Service | Thermotite™ | 800ADV/ 800C ADV | No | No | No | Yes - D* | No | No | +20/-20 psf is standard | N/A** |
Rolling Service | 800C | No | No | No | No | No | No | +20/-20 psf is standard | N/A** | |
Rolling Service | 900|926 | No | No | No | No | No | No | +20/-20 psf is standard | N/A** | |
Rolling Service | 800HC | 800C HC | No | No | No | Yes - D* | No | No | +20/-20 psf is standard | N/A** | |
High Speed Doors | Interior Fabric | 880 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±3.0 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Interior Fabric | 881 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±7.5 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Interior/Exterior Fabric | 882 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±4.0 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Exterior Fabric | 883 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±19.5 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Exterior Fabric | 884 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±22.0 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Rubber | 885 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±27.0 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Freezer Fabric | 887 | No | No | No | No | No | No | Up to ±2 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Metal (solid slats) | 888 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Up to ±100 psf | N/A** |
High Speed Doors | Metal (solid slats) | 888/ 889 | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | Up to ±50 psf | N/A** |
Guide is provided for reference purposes only. In all cases the local building authority is the sole and final determiner of the structural and safety requirements, and suitability of the garage door
All doors tested for uniform static air pressure per ANSI/DASMA 108 or TAS 202 to test pressure of 1.5 x design pressure
Impact testing in accordance with impact and cyclic wind pressure per ANSI/DASMA 115 or TAS 201/203
FBC - Florida Building Code, TDI - Texas Department of Insurance, Miami Dade - Miami-Dade County Regulatory Economic Resources
*These doors are rated for a static design pressure of +65/-65 psf and 80 ft/sec large missile impact speed (equivalent to ASTM E1996 Level D for Essential Facilities), up to a maximum opening width of 22’0” and a maximum opening height of 30’0”.
"**Wind speed is only one factor that contributes to a wind pressure calculation among many including average roof height, roof pitch, door size, proximity to corner of the building, surrounding terrain, surrounding buildings and vortex shedding structures, importance factor, etc... For this reason, we cannot provide a generalized 1 to 1 conversion table, as it would only apply to a specific case.
Peace of Mind Plus Wayne Dalton Style
Wind load-rated garage doors and commercial doors give you all the choices. When it comes to the safety and security of your home or business, especially in extreme conditions, Wayne Dalton provides a diversified line-up of solutions for high wind events that could meet any style taste, climate and budget. These doors, along with Fabric-Shield® storm products , will meet the protection levels you demand to help fortify it against the storm.
As the owner, it's important to check with your local building code official, engineer or architect for your specific wind load requirements and appropriate design pressure to determine your structure’s specific needs and select the wind load rating option in PSF.
Wind Load 101 FAQ
Commercial Wind Load Door FAQ

Wind Load Options - Fabric-Shield®
Wind Load Options - Model 8310
Wind Load Options - Model 8700
Wind Load Options - Model 9800
Wind Load Options - Models 100, 300 & 7000 Series
Wind Load Options - Models 8000-8200
Wind Load Options - Models 8024-8224
Wind Load Options - Models 8300-8350-8500-8600-5150-5200
Wind Load Options - Models 8300AG-8500AG-5150-5200
Wind Load Options - Models 8855-453
Wind Load Options - Models 9100-9605-5120 (after-dec-2023)
Wind Load Options - Models 9100-9605-5120 (pre-dec-2023)
Wind Load Options - Models 9405-5145 (after-dec-2023)
Wind Load Options - Models 9405-5145 (pre-dec-2023)
Wind Load Options - Wood Doors
Wind Load Options - Model 530
Wind Load Options - Models 150-200-200-20
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 451-452
Wind Load Options - Models 5150-5200
Wind Load Options - Models 700-700C
Wind Load Options - Models 800-800C
Wind Load Options - Models C-20-C-24-C-2400 (after-jan-2023)
Wind Load Options - Models C-20-C-24-C-2400 (pre-jan-2023)
Wind Load Options - Models CX-20-CX-24-CX-2400 - Portland
Wind Load Options - Models DS-75, DS-100, DS-350, 770SS, 790CW
- International Building Code / International Residential Code (IBC/IRC)
- DASMA–Trade Association for Doors and Access Systems
- Miami-Dade County website – Search by NOA or Manufacturer
- Texas Department of Insurance (TDI)
- ASCE 7 Hazard Tool – Wind Speed by Region
- Hurricane-Prone Regions of the United States with ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 Boundaries
- Residential Storm Protection Products Brochure
- TDS 152 - Garage Doors & High Wind Events
- TDS 155 - Residential and Commercial Wind Load Guides
- TDS 161- Connecting Garage Door Jambs to Building Framing
- TDS 168 - Wind Loads on Garage Doors – FAQ
- TDS 174 - Post-High Wind Event Door Operation by a Building Occupant
- TDS 279 - Rolling Door Operation Under Wind Load Conditions
- Wind Load Calculator (should only be used as a guide)
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