icc es listed rolling door

Rolling Steel Door Option Earns ICC-ES

Jan. 12, 2017

Dealers can now ensure building officials that Wayne Dalton’s Rolling Service Door Model 800C Thermotite™ with the IECC Air Infiltration option added meets the requirements of consensus standards referenced in the I-Codes. The new option recently received a building product listing (ESL# 1017) from the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES).

Building officials, architects, contractors, specifiers, designers and others utilize ICC-ES Building Product Listings to provide a basis for using or approving products in construction projects under the International Building Code. In order to earn this recognition, Model 800C with its IECC Air Infiltration option had to undergo a review of its product information, test reports, calculations, quality control methods and other factors to ensure that it met this highest quality of product review for the building department.

The IECC Air Infiltration option offers thermal efficiency via insulation and perimeter seals, minimizing the transference of temperature and air infiltration on one of Wayne Dalton’s most popular models. The option includes insulated guides, a dual brush guide seal, lintel seal and bottom astragal. Wayne Dalton is proud to continue to offer innovative products that meet the rigorous standards required by builders.



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