advanced performance doors upgrade

New Upgrades to Advanced Performance Rolling Doors

Aug. 14, 2017

Wayne Dalton has introduced improvements to its commercial Advanced Performance rolling doors and grilles to provide customers and installers with new safety and security enhancements, as well as an optimized design for improved interaction. New features to increase productivity and reduce maintenance costs include a built-in brake mechanism with motor/gearbox assembly, hand chain override and a wireless, monitored safety edge. The newly upgraded Advanced Performance Doors include Models 600 ADV Grille, 800 ADV and 800C ADV.  

rolling grille model 600adv
Model 600 ADV Rolling Grille

"The Advanced Performance door upgrades will allow for a faster and easier installation process for our installers, and reduce customer inconvenience with improved performance and added safety features," said Wayne Dalton Commercial Rolling Product Manager Jennifer Castro. 

rolling grille model 800adv
Model 800 ADV Rolling Grille

The customer experience has been improved by the addition of a hand chain override which eliminates the traditional crank to manually open the door in the event of a power outage. A wireless, monitored safety edge has also been added to phase out coil cords, which not only provides a cleaner aesthetic, but eliminates the issues and costs that come along with coil cords getting caught, stretched or damaged. Additionally, the motor/gearbox assembly now features a built-in braking mechanism, eradicating the need for the exterior drop stop device and associated parts. Along with the other enhancements, the opening speed of the door has increased from 20” per second to up to 24” per second.