Garage door that's not closing

Troubleshooting Common Garage Door Opener Problems

Nov. 15, 2024

Being able to park your car in your garage is one of the great conveniences of owning your home. It protects your vehicle against the elements, which can lead to less wear and tear, plus it means it’s also less exposed to potential burglary.

However, one day you come home and your garage door isn’t working. You begrudgingly park in your driveway and go to figure out why it’s not opening for you. 

The problem could be with your garage door opener. There are many different things that could be the issue. In this article, we’ll outline some of the most common problems that might affect your garage door opener. Contact the experts at Wayne Dalton Sales & Service to repair your garage door opener.

Garage door that's not closing

Problem with the Remote

If you are failing to open the door with your remote but it works with your keypad, the problem may rest with your remote or antenna.  

  • Batteries are dead – the batteries in your remote may be dead. Try replacing them as per manufacturer instructions. 
  • Antenna is faulty – the issue may also lie with the antenna that receives the signal to open. A faulty antenna is a job for a professional garage door repair service. 


The Door is Locked 

A simple explanation of why the door opener isn’t working is that the door may be locked. Most garage doors have a button somewhere on the wall console that locks the door and prevents it from opening. Push the lock button and see if it resolves your problem. If it still doesn’t work, then the problem lies elsewhere. 

The Motor is Unplugged 

Another simple explanation is that your motor may be unplugged. The motor is the component that controls the movement of your door. There are many different configurations of motors, such as chain drive, belt drive, and screw drive. You may find the motor mounted on the ceiling or the wall. Check to see if it’s plugged in. If it’s not, there’s your problem. Simply plug it back in and you should be good to go. 
Genie 3120 Aladdin Connect opener

If you’ve tested other options and your door still isn’t working, it may be a problem with the motor being burnt out. This is another time when you’ll need to call a garage door repair professional as the motor is a complex component that requires experience to fix.

Faulty Photo Eyes 

All garage doors have a safety feature called photo eye sensors. These sensors are placed at the bottom of the door and send an invisible beam of light to each other. If this beam is broken, that indicates something is in the way and the sensors prevent the door from closing. Faulty sensors can affect the operation of your door by falsely assuming that the path is blocked. A garage door repair professional can ensure your photo sensors are perfectly aligned and working properly. 


Woman closing her garage door using Genie garage door opener

Wayne Dalton Sales & Service Provides Garage Door Repair 

There are many more issues that could be preventing your garage door opener from working properly. Calling Wayne Dalton Sales & Service is the best way to be sure your garage door opener gets the care and attention it needs. We service all makes and models of garage door openers, plus we offer the full Genie line of openers for replacements and installation. We have built a trusted reputation across the country thanks to our knowledgeable technicians, high-quality garage door products and exceptional service. Contact us today to request service at one of our 14 locations serving AkronAlbuquerqueCharlotteCincinnatiColorado SpringsHoustonKennewickLewistonMissoulaPeoriaQuad CitiesRaleighSpokane Valley, and Tempe.